Monday, February 23, 2009

I guess it is just not very auspicious to welcome readers to the "TODAY IS FRIDAY THE 13TH" post and what more with a song, titled 'I hate this part'.

All these negative connotation must have cost me all the downfall these few days.

The past few days have been bad ever since I have typed this entry goodness. And I was still so happy that nth happen to me on that day! Grr. I had better watch my words the next time round and not blabber nonsense.

So lets see.. the start of this bad luck thing happened on total defence day. It was a sunday, and early in the morning, I started having this flu non-stop for nearly half a day! It was so horrible! Once you start sneezing, you can never stop! I used packets after packets of tissue and kept blowing my nose! It did stop for a while, but after that it went on again and continued until late at night. I had a slight fever later at night but still went to sch the next day.

Because of this flu and slight fever, plus me being out the entire day on valentines day and total defence day, I was unable to find time to study for my chem test, which resulted in a disastrous mark of 20%!!!! I still rmb myself sneezing away in the freezing lt doing the chem test! Nothing good happens when you are down and out. My mind was in a blank when I did the paper. Nothing came across my mind! Even a simple mechanism can also make me stare at the paper for such a long time!

I managed to recover by Wednesday sort of. Okay, maybe the rest of the days were still okay except for Saturday! It was a bad bad day. Mainly because:

1. I didn't get my medal. Oh well. I was still far from the top 20. My position was 41. The run was not my best I know cos during trial runs in sch, I came in 3rd yet eventually, the 1st,2nd and even the 4th runner for that trial got their medals except for me. The main reason I felt for this lacklustre run was mainly due to demoralisation because I kept thinking that the end was nearing. It was so near yet so far. Many slopes to run up and down, and many hopes were dashed too when reality dawned on me that the end was just not anywhere near after I had finished each slope. Fatigue overcame me too because I tried so hard at the beginning to outrun groups of runners into empty spaces for me to run freely. And for don't know what reason, pussycat doll's 'I hate this part' keep playing in my mind!

I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through my fingers

I don't want to try now
All that's lefts goodbye to
Find a way that I can tell you

I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take your tears
I hate this part right here

It was so different from the trials in school but oh well. It's over so I shall not dwell on it.

But hey, I was supposed to be position 40 if not for someone who tucked my sleeve towards the very end of the race, and grabbed the number tag from the student helper first even though the teacher had alrdy said 'green before blue'. I'm the green and she was the blue. Yet she had to be so thick-skinned to quickly grab the position number from me. How very kiasu of her. And look, we are now talking about 40/41 position and not 20/21 okay. If it was for the latter, we might just end up in some catfights but 40/41?!

For those who do not know the story, it actually goes like this.

I was nearing the finish line, and when I passed by the first student helper at the end of the race, I stopped, just like any other runners, cos I thought you don't have to run anymore. But the teacher told us that we still have to run further in to take our position number from one of the student helpers ahead. So I ran, but this callisto girl, perhaps miffed by me overtaking her because she had reached the so called 'finish' line earlier than me, started pulling my sleeve and actually tried to stop me from advancing!

How unethical! Yes she may have reached the 'finish' line earlier but all is not over until you get your position number! The teacher clearly said that it was green before blue yet this stupid green girl, being so thick-skinned, stretched out her arm first to take the position number. And the student helper gave her too!

Don't ask me why I never ask her for my position number back. I just felt that all this was not very necessary since it does not guarantee me a medal anyway, and I was too shagged then to fight with her. Hope she feels guilty about this. But I bet she won't since she is so thick-skinned. She probably felt that it was just to pull my sleeve and take the position tag first.

The most idiotic thing was she even got a medal for her cca, under the non-sports category and I feel that it's very unfair cos her cca is not considered non-sports to me at all. So what if you have a 'club' there at the end? The regimes that you all carry out during curriculum time are comparable to the sports cca. It just gives you all the advantage during road race esp for the cca category. I think the 1st and 3rd went to this particular cca I shall not name but yeah you get it.

All this is based on my assumption of who the girl is. Because there were 2 blue girls in front of me taking their position number so I forgot who was the girl who tucked my sleeve actually. But I know it was number 40 who took my place away. So no. 40, just your luck to pull my sleeve. You should be thankful that you had not met some AL or else....


Went with the class to pastamania for lunch later on, and this waiter accidentally tilted the plate of pasta he was serving to karynL and the pasta sauce spilled all over my phone!!

I thought it was okay at first. Like just some spills, wipe it off and it will be okay. But later when my mum called, I couldn't hear clearly what she was saying to me. It was as if she was very far away from the receiver. I thought it was the home phone problem cos she was the one who called me. So I decided to call her back and yet the sound still seemed so far away.

So I took the phone away from my ear, intending to increase the volume of my phone to see if I could hear my mum clearer when suddenly I realised there was still pasta sauce and some of it had alrdy entered into the small lil holes of the speaker!!!!!

Frantic, and actually praying hard that it was not the pasta sauce that caused all the distant sounds etc, I used sinyi's phone to call my mum and it turned out to be very clear. Which means... AHHHHH! The apologetic worker kept asking me how was the phone but I was alrdy very frustrated, like why is this happening to my phone etc. It's not the first time my phone had encountered such problems. The previous time, my phone had been bugged by a virus contracted from a photoshop outside when I connected the shop's usb cable to my phone.

Just my luck seriously. And of all times, my phone had to keep ringing at the time when i can't hear what my callers are trying to say. My dad and mum both called and asked about my position for road race which is very frustrating then because 1. i didn't get a medal, 2. i got pulled on the sleeve from a competitor and 3. pasta sauce is spilled all over my phone. I was not in the mood to answer their questions.

Thankfully, the waiter offered to pay for my servicing so it's not so bad. I'm glad he took the initiative because I felt he is obliged to do so.

But the worst is still not over.

I went to Simei to fix my phone only to hear from the worker that there is only 50-50 chance of my phone being repaired. Because spills are rather fatal to a phone and if the pasta sauce had spread to my motherboard, the entire phone will spoil and it will be cased as BEYOND REPAIR. damn it!

For now, I can only pray that my phone will be alright if not I don't know how is that waiter gng to compensate me. Even if he is willling to get me a new phone, it will definitely cost a bomb cos my plan is not up and I can tell he is pretty hard-up cos he actually wanted me to wait till next month then go with him to repair my phone -.-

Imagine what will happen if I had waited till March to repair my phone? confirm beyond repair!

I pray for my sake and the waiter's sake so he need not get me a new phone that my W850i will be alright!

Please do, will you? Stay strong, my phone!

(To keep my blog auspicious, I shall go change my song too and avoid all song titles with negative connotations.)

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