Saturday, April 04, 2009

I think the uncle in my sch's chinese rice stall is pretty good in judging people!

I went to the stall for lunch today (theoretically ytd based on the time now lol) after school ended and we had a mini conversation.

Uncle: Girl, so late still have lessons?

Me: Yeah, I still got CCA.

Uncle: Ooh. What CCA? band ar?

Me: OMG! how you know?!

Uncle: Haha cos you got the band face

LOL! oh wow, I actually have a 'band' face! no wonder all my lookalikes (ms peck and ms tan) are all band ppl and to be more specific, trombonists too!

And it turns out that the uncle was a band member during his pri sch days too! Amazing huh, he can still rmb about his band days in pri sch where he had to drill under the scorching sun etc.

He was a frenchhornist!

But it seems that all my friends to him are band ppl haha cos hoon and peiqi were with me when I approached him again after my lunch to talk more about band stuff and he said both got the 'band face'. Haha hoon's not in band! But at least uncle's still quite accurate cos he said peiqi got more of the 'band face' compared to hoon haha!

I never knew band ppl actually had a 'band face' lol!

I still find it very amusing even now!


Now for random stuffs

1. Soccer match today between mj and jj. 3-0 WE WON!

2. Peiqi forgot when's my birthday when I rmb when's hers! :(

3. Came back from dinner with band ppl quite a while ago and in less than 12 hours I will be meeting them in school again!

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