Wednesday, April 15, 2009

today was such a long day!

i spent 11 hours today at band, from 7am to 6pm.

out of which 7 hours was combined


couldn't take it when i was having combined in school

i kept dozing off at parts where i need not play

and even coming in late for my parts

but sigh who ask me to sleep at 2 the day earlier

so it's my fault.

but now i dont feel that tired anymore

and i need to do my physics

oh! and we had a part2 bday celebration for jannah today

part1 was ytd which was her actual bday too

but it was quite a failure and all

cos we wanted to celebrate in the afternoon but she got to sit in for exco09 interview until 7 plus!!!

and the balloon for her BURST!

melchia was so nice to buy back the exact balloon

and we gave it to her today plus the cake.

we gave her flowers ytd.

okay, this post is getting boring.

i will take photos from jannah and peiqi and post up next time

next time. haha i hope i will post!

till then i shall do my physics.

and tmr is gng to be another looong day.

school,remedial,band,tuition. how nice.

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