Sunday, November 25, 2007

i felt so sad for the 5 national dragonboat racers. They were so fit and young. They dont deserve to die at such a young age.

It's such a pity. They were representing the country and this is what they got in return. Sigh. If only the dragonboat racers had waited for the boat to tow them back and not row it back themselves, maybe all this would not have happened. Is this what ppl called predestined? Fate?

The youngest who died was only 20. Goodness. He's so young. And i rly feel for Reuben Kee's parents. He's an only child and his sudden death must have upset his parents a lot. Besides, he seems to achieve a lot when he was still alive. Like he was Mr World Singapore 2007, a music composer and president of the piano ensemble in his poly days. He was so talented and yet just beacuse of one strong current, it took his life away. Gosh.

Sometimes, i tried to put myself into the shoes of these dragonboat racers' parents and thought, would it be better if i had no news of my son at all? At least, i could still harbour a thought that my son would be still alive. But yet, to think in another perspective, it meant that i would have to be tortured by this problem and have to keep worrying for my son. My mum said it would be better to find the son asap. At least there will be a closure to the matter.

And yeah, there will at least be a closure to the parents and relatives of the 5 dragonboat racers, and like what Minister Lee Hsien Loong had said, i wish them comfort and strength during this trying period.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Just submitted my pae form.

AJ was my first choice, followed by MJ.
Hopefully, i had be able to enter either of these two for my pae.

Too many things have happened the past few days. It seems as if many days have passed when it's just barely a week after 'O's has ended. To me, it just felt like many weeks have passed alrdy.

Oh well, isnt it better when only one week has passed? This meant that i still have quite a lot of time to play. But I'm just feeling moody lately. I think it's just because of all the things that are happening lately. Or is it just pms? Maybe both.

Anyway, my por por has came to stay over at my place cos she has just undergone an eye operation to solve her cataract problem. I will be accompanying her for her follow-up tml with my mum but i think i will stop by far east to shop around. haha. Haven't enter far east for quite a while. Better go see see. Perhaps i might meet gena and her friend minyu there! Lol.

And thurs, i will be watching the sso concert with tbone section! maybe all these outings will just help me to forget my troubles for a while? I shant be that pessimistic. Afterall, winners focus on success, losers focus on failures. I must be a winner! But somehow I am also thinking to myself, what exactly am I upset about? What is the thing that is exactly troubling me? There are so many question marks in my mind and thinking about all this just drives me crazy.

ArghhH!! I need to recover asap.

By the way, who's gng prom night? I wna go but can't find enough ppl to acompany me. I think i am digressing, isnt this just purely serious mood swing, serious pms?

Sigh. I dont know.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Should I go? Or should i not go?
I'm in a dilemna now.
This shows that i have not learnt my lesson hard enough.