Friday, January 30, 2009


HAHA i just came back from lunch with my parents and it was great! sinful though hahaha. we had A LOT of ice-cream! the set lunch that we ate came with an ice-cream. I had a firehouse and my parents ordered 2 gold rush. The tables were full with ice-cream! HAHAHAHA.

Vaish and sinyi celebrated my birthday in school today too!

Yay! I got a new yellow levis wallet!

Pictures are with Vaish cos I didn't bring my digicam for fear of having too much hope that my birthday will be celebrated. I don't like to see my high hopes dashed you see lol. They bought me a cake and a card too! And thank you desmond for sharing my birthday present too! Somehow I also felt a little awkward about the birthday cake cos the class celebrated for me but I didnt give them any cake which did make me feel guilty cos for janice and karyn birthday everyone had a slice of cake. But my cake was a tad too small for the entire class so yeah didn't give and I hope they wont mind about it.

haiyo. see. qianqian so hungry until want to eat my hair lol.

So yeap and daddy came straight away after school to fetch me for the lunch which made me feel like sinyi who is so pampered, always have her chauffeur daddy around hahahaha.

Later there will be dinner with my family and my paternal relatives which means we are gng to eat a lot and there will be another birthday cake!

The dinner

My paternal relatives. Quite small right. But one of my uncles and cousin not inside. Okay it doesnt make much difference anyway lol.

Meiyi jie jie and me. She is actually muchh older than me. But don't look like right? Haha!

Dishes we took that day

My ahma eating. So cute!

My birthday cake! :D

HAHAHAHA now you see all the candles lighted up. After this photo, a lot of things will be happening to my cake hahahaha

See my shocked face? As I was singing my birthday song, I notice some of my candles have been extinguished. See, the candles on the right no more flame alrdy.

just as i was about to blow off the candles after making my wish (my family told me to blow off the candles asap), the door opened (we were seating near the entrance), and whoosh! a strong wind passed by and



then okay never mind, my parents decided to relight the candles while i make my wish for THE SECOND TIME

and then just as i was about to blow off my candles again, the door opened and my candles GOT EXTINGUISHED AGAIN!!!!!


see, my heart got crushed again. second time still cannot blow leh!!!

(i know i'm putting my image at risk here cos the 2 photos above are super ugly but i just want to show you guys how sad i was okay. lol. and i thought my expression was funny anyway HAHAHAHA can bring some entertainment value to my readers lol!)

and then finally at the 3rd attempt, after the relighting and making of wish,



Happy me posing for the camera(:

All the exercising in the past week have all gone to waste lol. After my birthday celebration gotta start running and burn off all the fats hahahaha!Speaking of which, I told evonne today that I wanna take part in the team road race for band. haha. there's evonne, azrul, wengsiong and nizam in the team too. hopefully we can win!

Today is not only my birthday but also my mei mei (haha!) Abigail's birthday! I also rmb during primary school, I have friends like Ashwhinie and Er Shi Hui who also have the same birthday as me. I managed to keep in contact with Ashwhinie through facebook haha but I have lost contact with shihui which is quite a pity. But i do know that she joins the same ballet class as my junior before. And then in secondary school, fahjin also has the same birthday as me! So many people i know have the same birthday as me hor? Even the mediacorp artiste Bryan Wong's birthday also the same day as mine! but i dont know him of course lol!

And today is also a very significant day!

1. it's sec 4 posting results today! i hope my juniors will get into the school of their first choice!

2. there's chingay today!

3. today is the last day where the entire mjc will belong to my batch. no more having the entire canteen to us. no more short queues for canteen food(doesnt affect me much since i hardly buy anyway lol) no more having the homeroom to us and no more leaving our bags in class alrdy!!! plus! no more peace in school!

Today is such an important day HAHAHAHAHA!

Monday, January 26, 2009


Had a reunion dinner at my aunty's place just now. it was a cosy affair, the 10 of us sitting round the table, having steamboat. No pictures with me yet cos i forgot to bring the camera!! :(

BUT! I will try to get it from my cousin asap. And this teaches me a lesson that I should ensure my camera is always with me each time I go on my visiting spree for the next two days lol.

There was also a piece of good news being announced today over the reunion dinner!!


Hooray! I'm gonna get an additional angpao next year! HAHAHAHAHA. that's such a greedy thought of mine. But I'm truly happy for her cos there has never been a wedding held ever since I was born! Which meant that the last wedding that we had in the family was in fact MY PARENTS one?! So I'm extremely happy that I get to attend a wedding dinner at last, at the age of 18 oh my goodness hahaha.

I bet it's gonna be a pretty great one cos my cousin's husband (do i address him as uncle once he is part of the family?) promised to give my cousin a grand wedding! So sweet right~ And they planned to have the wedding at the end of this year so that I can finish my exams first :D Can't wait for the wedding! It's gonna be held in Singapore and Penang which means 2 wedding dinners at one go! Yay!

I'm not sure if I'm gonna be the flower girl/ bridesmaid hahaha. I might be doing both in the end hahaha and I'm supposed to help my cousin with all the preparation like picking up the end of her gown( if it's a very looooong type of gown), make-up(which i don't know haha!) etc. I think I will be very tired at the end of the wedding if I had to do so many things! But I guess it will be all worth it. anyway, wedding is only once in a lifetime(:

Yay happy happy! Tmr my uncle is going to make my favourite agar agar with brown sugar!! YAY!!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009


The God of Fortune came to visit us!

Mini pink lion dance performance!

In class~

Sinyi's photos not bad hor. Hahahaha.
We celebrated birthdays for Karyn and Janice!

Birthday girls(:

Orh-ce kia should be tam-jia-kia alrdy lol!

Check out our notice board! Though we may not have won, at least there was some effort put in. Credit goes to the girls in class only hahahaha, and mostly credit to Sinyi and Vaish for helping!

Some upclose pictures on the board
Welcome to the year of the ox!

Piggy sleeping on the fence lol.

Haha I purposely put the flower in front of the sheep. Looks like the sheep is looking at the flower right? Haha!

Monkey climbing up the tree

And we pasted cows and milk bottles like this on the walls all around the classroom! Even the clock has a cow in the middle too!

First attempt at class photo, camera 'sang-act' lol.

2nd attempt! better but forgot karyn and ethel not inside the photo!

3rd attempt, multi-shot! but I'm gonna post 2 photos only haha!
desmond says i look like i'm gng to slap him hahahaha!

New Year Performance~

Mr Lye playing the sop sax! I prefer the one chung cheng has cos it has the exact shape of the saxophone but in a smaller size. it's so cute!!! nevertheless, mr lye is a great player!! he's very pro and has a lot of air!!

Vaish performing for cny! no coconut trees, only got cloth going round the girls' waists lol.

Mr Wong sang 说好的幸福呢. very nice! i didn't expect him to sing so well initially!

As usual, we have the chemistry brothers! This time no chem concept in the lyrics, only motivational words in between the lyrics. Penned by Mr Lau, the singer for this rendition!

Arm wrestling. Lin pei damn hiong lol

Haha but too hiong doesnt mean will win lol. maybe use too much strength alrdy then towards the end punctured alrdy lol.

Haha these 2 teachers are so funny! An Arm wrestling game turned out to be some kiddish thumbs game for them lol! But they still wrestled in the end and the teacher in red won!

Look at their sizes, sure know who win right? BUT! it was Mrs Pang who had won in the end! my sixth sense tells me that they must have cheated! HAHAHAHAHA.


It's the woman vs woman

and the man vs man.


Winner is the male teacher!

Challenge between the winner and meridians. Shiva won him! POWER~

That's all for cny celebrations! There seems to be a lot of pictures lol.

And please help me click on my ads thanks a lot!!