Friday, May 15, 2009

I have got 3 friends who are turning legal/ legal just recently!!

Yesterday was MAY's birthday!!!


I'm sorry I can't produce your card on time! Hopefully you will receive it by next week! And why why, you haven't invited me to go watch your very last concert with tj! Haha. Playing machu picchu somemore. Hahaha.

And today is CHAN's birthday!

8 years of friendship and still counting! :D Think you should have received your present from Tricia and me by now. Hope you like it! We spent some time roaming round shopping malls to get the most ideal present for you, you know. Hahahaha. Have a great day ahead!

Finally, tmr it's VAISH's birthday!


Wasn't our surprise great today? Haha. At least you didn't manage to suspect anything out of sinyi "shitting", me trying to delay time while sinyi and xingying were preparing to surprise you. Haha. One of the best birthday surprise! And you must use the pencilcase we give you on monday okay. Your old pencilbox is so old alrdy haha. Sinyi shall be the odd one out again with no billabong pencilcase!! Hahahahaha. Enjoy your brithday with the econs lecturer tmr! Lol.

Yeap thats all and see you!

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