Monday, May 11, 2009

SYF 2009 -GOLD!

So SYF happened on the 6th may and we managed to clinch a gold! It was a remarkable feat for it marks the third consecutive gold in mjcsb history and I think we can get a sustained achievement award!

I rmb us having all the jitters, worrying about our performance and how we would have sounded to the adjudicators, discussing about what weird sound had been produced in the midst of our song. So much tension that we didnt even had the appetite to eat during lunch! Nonetheless, we are glad and relieved that we upholded the reputation of the band so hooray! :D

Despite of the tension, we still took a lot of photos lol!

This was when we were still worried sick. but soon later, we tried to forget about it and started taking more photos!

Trombones section 09!

all mesmerised by adzizul alrdy lol.

Norwin's signature pose!

And this is brasses'09!

Fake brown eyes vs. naturally brown ones

Lower brasses juniors


I sort of like this photo a lot!

It feels executive, like we are some businesswomen! and i like the way we lean against each other haha.


Haven't seen her in such a long while! I was so glad she could spot me when she was all the way in front and I was at the back! So happy! Feels like we got chemistry haha! We chatted a bit and I met jin hong and gina and rachel yang too! It was pretty much a sad scene after that and it was awkward because having not seen her for so long and suddenly when we met, things have to happen.. but may you know you did your best! don't worry about the rest!

Trombones section with joel (brenda left)

We went back to school after that and I gave out my syf presents to them!

Nice right! Hahahaha! Although I feel I should have written From Amanda or Amanda haha.

Change out and lower brass went for a celebration dinner!!! We took such a long time figuring where to eat, all because of us laughing at malique's laughter hahahaha! It's so... how should i say it... unique and feels like a lot of air is needed to create that laugh! hahaha. I still can't master it until now! But never mind, I got a recording of his laughter, can always play and listen at anytime! :D

Yet another signature pose-- this time it's Malique's!

And Malique forgot how to use the chopsticks all of a sudden and hahaha he had some trouble picking up food esp his ever slippery udon!

YES FINALLY! he got some food into his mouth! hahahah!

HAHAHAHAHA at geraldine! look at the before when there was not much food and after where all the food came piling up at her! lol! her way of ordering was very simple, whatever we order, she will just go '' 1 more 1 more!" hahaha then the 1 more 1 more became A LOT MORE! hahahahaha

Look at the amount of food!

We ate till we were rly bloated!

In the end, geraldine came up with this cheaterbug way of placing all her udon and cha soba into the container for putting cha soba sauce! hahaha. next time the waiter should take away the container to prevent ppl like geraldine cheating to avoid the wastage fee! hahahah

but oh well, I've got to admit i'm no way better. Haha. Cos I couldn't finish my food either so I resort to my old trick of stuffing sushi rice in between the stack of plates which we have piled up. Hahaha, my usual 'trick' lol.

But hey, the second trick of mashing all the food into the bowl as seen above was not done by me! Haha, I think it was done by geraldine? We are so gng to be blacklisted by hei sushi lol.

Nonetheless, we still managed to finish all the food okay. Hahaha good job to us!

And this was how we reacted before and after the meal. I guess I can only put the "I love food" in the 'before' picture. haha!

In conclusion, it was a great experience to be with them for the dinner. And I'm so glad to have met all my juniors and lower brass batchmates esp malique who brought so much laughter to us with his weird laughter that kitmeng even thought that came from some streetfighter game! HAHA!

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