Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 2!

Chan and Trish wanted to get some branded goods for their family so we went to the more expensive areas such as Tsim Tsa Tsui and had breakfast there. Thankfully, the breakfast was quite affordable and I like their prawn chee cheong fun!

Our porridge

Continued walking in search of branded shops and on our way to 1881 heritage, we saw the space museum and took a pic with it!

Can you spot what we are doing?

There was nth at 1881 heritage so we took some pics there and left for Causeway Bay in search of more shops.

Cow-loon. Moo~

Before coming to hongkong, I saw online that there's a Hello Kitty Cafe at Causeway Bay so I thought I could use the opportunity to look for it too. I forgot to take down the address though, only rmb parts of it, because I thought I could ask around for directions. To my dismay, the MTR staff I asked at Causeway Bay MTR had no idea of where Hello Kitty Cafe was! Tried to ask at a customer svc counter at Sogo later on, only to find out that it has closed! And closed for a few years alrdy OMG.

AHHHH internet cheat me can! I saw reviews about the cafe but no one mentioned that the cafe has since closed! I was so upset upon hearing that! Thought I need not wait till I go to Taiwan next time before I can see it :( Anyway, we walked around see see look look before taking the 'ding ding' to Central!

The 'ding ding' runs in the middle of the road and has cables connected to the bus above it. When we checked the bus directory, we saw that we could only take a few buses to get us to Central but we realised nobody was waiting for any bus at the bus-stop except for us. Everyone seemed to hop onto any bus that came. We got curious so we asked a stranger and he said we could take any bus to get to Central. We did as he said and guess what, we were lost!

Hahaha we ended up at Tai Shue Wan (the home place of one of the acid attack suspects!) and we didn't know what to do! It seemed like an interchange along the side of the road since there were many 'ding ding' buses there. We checked the bus directory again and realised the place we were at was very far from Central! And there doesn't seem to be a MTR in sight so we took another 'ding ding' back and with the help of another stranger, we took the 'ding ding' back to Wan Chai and then took an MTR to Central haha.

The stranger recognised that we were Singaporeans! So easily identifiable huh. And Trish thought it was very fun to get lost haha. Hmm, an experience I think. How often do you get lost right? Lol.

The inside of 'ding ding'

It costs only 2 HKD no matter which bus-stop you alight from!

We then walked to all the branded shops like Gucci, Miu Miu, Coach etc etc...... without buying anything HAHA! Cos it was either more ex or there was no stock of what Chan's sis wanted. I hardly walked to all these branded shops cos for now, I'm still not keen in spending hundreds or even thousands for a bag/pouch. It just doesn't seem very worth it for me now. Maybe next time when I start working and earning $$, I may pamper myself once in a while? Haha. I like Miu Miu's colours for their bags/pouches though. Think their shades of pink and gray are rly very pretty!

And I must say, the promoters there are very polite! They will always greet you and even if you leave the shop without buying anything, they won't blackface you and some of them even thought we were koreans! One even said 'Anyo Haseyo' to us! HAHAHAHA.

We went to H&M too!
The clothes were a little bit ex so I got 1 top only. They sell a lot of hello kitty products too like shower gel and pouches haha.

We then had a very delicious roast duck noodles for lunch at Stanley Rd before continuing our route to go to The Peak.


Some street market along Stanley

The Peak tram

We took a combo package for The Peak and Madame Tussauds so it was a bit cheaper and the wind was so chilly up there! I wore like only 1 layer of stockings? Chan had 2 and Trish had 3! It was rly quite cold up there. My hands were icy cold when I used the camera for too long. The scenery was not too bad, just that it was a bit cloudy like the last time when I went so couldn't see that far ahead. Nevertheless, it was still nice being up there seeing all the landscape :)

It was supposed to be a freezing look but Chan looks frustrated lol.

2nd attempt - more successful than the previous one haha.


We went into Madame Tussauds after that and it was photo spamming lol. There were some new figures there like Obama and Brangelina. I just retook with everyone haha cos I also don't rly know where were my previous photos at Madame Tussauds too. So here comes the picture overload!

Nice one! LOL.

I'm the king! Hahahaha.

Chan seems to blend in with the rest la! Haha!

I look like I got no legs here! Hahahaha.

Put in collages faster haha.

After Madame Tussauds, we went for hotpot and it was good! Except that the oil keeps splattering on my hand when we do our teppan lol.

They still use those olden days glass bottles for coke!

Okay day 2 is a very long post. I will leave day 3 to another day. Having flu and cough now, need ample rest. Will blog again perhaps tmr? :)

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