Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm back from hongkong! In fact, since last fri at 0000! Hahaha. I survived the acid scare! Lol. Given the many police vans seen along the streets esp those tourist attractions like the night markets, I felt safer than usual but still can't help moving to the side of the building whenever I can haha. And the hongkong trip was rather an impulsive trip for the 3 of us. Although we discussed about gng overseas since a long time ago, the actual booking of flights and hotel happened just one week before we went for our holiday! Cool huh, wanna go then just go lol.

But this last min booking also cost us a lot. We took jetstar and it still cost us $478 for to and fro, which is very expensive according to my parents. I think so too because if we were to top up around 50-60 bucks more, we could have taken CX which would have given us more leg space, food and in-flight entertainment! And if you wanna buy food on the plane, its also very ex! One small bottle of pure ocean costs $3 and instant noodles are at $5!!!!

Look how narrow the spacing is!

Fluffy white clouds :)

Took the airport express later from the airport to kowloon, followed by a free shuttle bus to the hotel. It costs only 190 HKD for the 3 of us, which is cheaper than taxi fare i think. And the leg space on the train is sooooooo much better than on the plane!

See,we can even put our legs on top of the luggage in front of us!

And best part is it was very empty so we had the whole cabin to ourselves! :D


It was early for check-in that time so we went for our first meal in hong kong!

The menu is all in chinese. Though I know how to read most of the words, I still can't figure what the food is despite knowing how to read. Lol. It's equivalent to nth can. So I ended up ordering those that I don't know to see what is it hahaha.

After checking in at the hotel (We got scammed! D: We ordered for king-sized bed online but they gave us 2 single beds and a sofa so we took turns to sleep on the sofa for the next 3 nights), we went to Argyle Centre to shop. The things there are rly cheap and I regretted not buying a pair of boots there! T.T I miscalculated the price at first so thought it was a bit pricey but later when I got the price right, I worry my mum will scold me and thought it would be a bit crazy to wear boots in sunny Singapore haha.

But guess what, when I came back to tell my mum, she actually didn't mind me buying the pair of boots and said it's a kind of fashion and won't make you feel hot. She even brought up an example of a girl whom she met along the streets wearing thick sweaters and fur boots in Singapore! Seriously, that girl a bit... ding dong huh. Lol. And now I'm regretting sigh. Next time I'm just gonna buy and not think so much. As long as I like it will do :)

We shopped till late evening and went for dinner afterwards which was not that fantastic. We had noodles again (chan and me) and we were just sick of the ultra large serving of noodles we have. The noodles are like free lah, no matter how much we eat, the noodles don't seem to deplete in the bowl. We didn't finish in the end and went to the ladies market thereafter. I need to pick up good bargaining skills and speak fluent cantonese!

And this marks the end of day 1. Will continue the rest of the days in the next post!

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