Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hello! It's 10 days into the new year and I have not blogged! Haha, have been too busy lately! I'm leaving for hk in another 7 hours time and news just reported an acid attack ytd omg. They have caught a suspect though, so hopefully this puts an end to the acid saga.

Anyway, there was gena's bday celebration recently. I had 2 celebrations with her haha. First one was with xiaotian and joanne! We went to the icing room to make a birthday cake for her! :D

From this.....

To this! lol.

And if you think the top is alrdy ugly, wait till you see the sides HAHAHA.

We wanted some curvy lines around the side but our lack of control became this form of 'art', as claimed by xiaotian hahaha.

And this is joanne's masterpiece. She wanted to make vampire teeth and instead of that, it looked like gena is drooling!!

Haha anyway, we met up with her at soup spoon over dinner and celebrated her birthday there.

Wish upon a star

The next celebration was with the trombonists!!

We had sakae dinner buffet and then celebrated Gena's birthday out in the open space at the CBD area, with the birthday girl having to borrow a lighter from a stranger. Gena has changed so much the past 2 years! She has become more spontaneous! I just casually asked her to borrow a lighter from a man and she rly did! Wonder woman~

All of them except me and gena went for drinking later!! So sad I missed it but they still have half a bottle of jack daniels left and ee loong has reserved it at the pub there for one month, which means I still have an opportunity to go! Lol.

Okay thats it for now, I need to sleep. Goodnight!

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