Monday, December 29, 2008

I went to DHS band concert ytd !

Well the concert was not too bad. They played pieces like phantom and and DEEP PURPLE MEDLEY!!! I was so excited when they played this song! But it was not the entire band playing, only a few sections. I personally preferred the Meiden's version though heh.

The people playing deep purple medley

The harpist. I never know you have to tilt the harp to play it! I thought all you had to do is to just reach out your hands for it and pluck the strings lol. You can't blame me okay haha cos I hardly get to see a harpist during a band concert idk why.

The bass trombonist was very loud during the concert! Can hear him so clearly!
But he puff a lot hahahahaha.(the one on the right and it was the best i could take of him)

And one funny thing! There was one time during a song I heard the drumset but I couldn't locate where the drumset was! So kaiyi and me kept searching the stage for the drumset and kaiyi finally saw it!

Can see?

Is this clearer? HAHAHAHAHA!

So poor thing right! Got hidden by the trumpeter in front. Cannot recognise her talent leh hahahahahha.

Then it was intermission. And Tricia, Kaiyi and me went to meet up with the performer whom we have gone down to support!!


Group shot(:

You know usually after a concert, people will always say 'encore!' that kind of thing? And usually there will always be a suspense before the conductor comes out right? For this concert, we only said encore like 2, 3 times then the conductor came out alrdy! Haha!

They self-played 'Stand by me' and a Hokkien song which i don't know what is it without the conductor after the encore before the concert officially ended.

And then it was supper time where I bought my ice-cream and tricia 'da-pao' back and kaiyi bought her pancake. Guess we are gna meet up again sometime next year(:

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