Thursday, December 18, 2008

Meiden. Meridian. Moichido Part III! Day 3

Breakfast in the morning! (donuts inside haha)

Shopping in the morning!

we look like twins here!

Afterwhich, put down our stuffs, picked up our present for Meiden which we spent a whole night doing the day before, and off we go to Meiden!

The present for Meiden trombonists!

Meiden trombonists brought us for a walk at a park near their school

Kawaii Aki!

Aki playing with all the maple leaves!

Airi and Michi playing at the playground

Meiden Meridian trombonists!

We passed them their present too!

Cute japanese child we saw at the park

In return, they bought each of us snacks too!

Went back and we played games like king kong kang kong and the 'seh no' game. And we introduced them the chop chilli chop game hahaha

Jannah picked up this :O maple leaf!

Our first dinner provided by Meiden.

The Japanese can really eat! Within minutes, all the guys, even the girls swept the entire bowl clean! Not a single grain of rice is left! I felt so stressed eating, and I even had to swallow all the onions which I don't like so as to keep the bowl clean and empty at the end. Lol.

Played a few more rounds of games and we went back to Ryokan.

Vanilla ice-cream! It's yummy!

Pardon the messy room haha. We were trying to pack our luggage since we had to leave for Tokyo soon then haha.

And tada, that marks the end of day 3 !

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