Monday, January 26, 2009


Had a reunion dinner at my aunty's place just now. it was a cosy affair, the 10 of us sitting round the table, having steamboat. No pictures with me yet cos i forgot to bring the camera!! :(

BUT! I will try to get it from my cousin asap. And this teaches me a lesson that I should ensure my camera is always with me each time I go on my visiting spree for the next two days lol.

There was also a piece of good news being announced today over the reunion dinner!!


Hooray! I'm gonna get an additional angpao next year! HAHAHAHAHA. that's such a greedy thought of mine. But I'm truly happy for her cos there has never been a wedding held ever since I was born! Which meant that the last wedding that we had in the family was in fact MY PARENTS one?! So I'm extremely happy that I get to attend a wedding dinner at last, at the age of 18 oh my goodness hahaha.

I bet it's gonna be a pretty great one cos my cousin's husband (do i address him as uncle once he is part of the family?) promised to give my cousin a grand wedding! So sweet right~ And they planned to have the wedding at the end of this year so that I can finish my exams first :D Can't wait for the wedding! It's gonna be held in Singapore and Penang which means 2 wedding dinners at one go! Yay!

I'm not sure if I'm gonna be the flower girl/ bridesmaid hahaha. I might be doing both in the end hahaha and I'm supposed to help my cousin with all the preparation like picking up the end of her gown( if it's a very looooong type of gown), make-up(which i don't know haha!) etc. I think I will be very tired at the end of the wedding if I had to do so many things! But I guess it will be all worth it. anyway, wedding is only once in a lifetime(:

Yay happy happy! Tmr my uncle is going to make my favourite agar agar with brown sugar!! YAY!!!!

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