Thursday, January 01, 2009


Hope everyone had an awesome countdown!

Well the year 2009 didn't start off with a big blast for me though.

I was supposed to go Marina Barrage you see for the countdown but my parents were very hesitant due to many factors like no where to park the car, how to walk to Marina Barrage, got so many ppl how etc etc. So in the end we decided to head down to Vivo instead which thankfully we did because my aunt went to Marina Barrage but got chased by the guards as the entire place is FULL!

However, the fireworks at Vivo were not good at all! :( They were small and faraway. You can only see a few sparks and that was so sad! Because we made an effort to go there (We parked our car at Farrer Park and took an MRT down to Harbourfront) and all we ended up with was that few sparks -.-

And it was so difficult to go to the rooftop! There were guards at each escalator level and they will only allow a small group of people to go up to the next level at each time so as to prevent crowding. We took so long to the reach the rooftop because there were SO MANY PEOPLE AND THE QUEUE TO GO UP TO EACH LEVEL IS TREMENDOUSLY LONG. ohmygoodness. It was so difficult to go up and it is so squeezy that you have to breathe into other people and it's not very pleasant all the time..

So anyway, this afternoon I met up with my another aunty's family and we had lunch. Afterwhich we went to her house where I spent the entire afternoon playing mahjong hahaha.
My ahma is fantastic! She kept winning and thank goodness we didn't play with money. But in any case, I don't even know how to count the $$. And we were playing those very basic mahjong with no tai and all that haha.

Then it was dinner and chat and then home sweet home(:

Hope everyone had a fantastic day today and may there be a great year ahead for all of us out here!

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