Thursday, January 15, 2009

just 2 days and my resolution had been broken. i have been late twice this week!

omg. mrs lim said if we were to be late for more than 3 times in each term, we will have to be sent for counselling!

and this is only the first week -.-

i'm so dead. but its my fault. who ask me to sleep somemore when i'm supposed to change into my uniform. i ended up rushing through everything and had to pay $2 for the sch badge when i obviously have one but forgot to put on. ahhhh.


on a sidenote, i've grown taller! not. ahh. i really hope i did grew okay.

today's pe lesson had height and weight measurement where there's this new equipment in sch which measures your height and weight at the same time. so like any other student, i stepped on the machine, and didnt actually hope so much for myself to grow since i have not been growing in quite a while (does fluctuating heights consider growing for the past few years?)

suddenly, i saw a 1.60 cm flashing on the small screen in front of me! i was so elated! but sinyi and vaish kept saying its because of my currypok hair -.-

and after that i realised many ppl were complaining about the machine not accurate, that they shrank 1 or 2 cm etc. AND I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO WAS SO HAPPY ABOUT MY HEIGHT. ahhhhhh!!! AND THEY KEPT SAYING MY CURRYPOK HAIR HELP ME GROW 1,2 CM TALLER! NOOOOOOOO!!!

let me be in self-denial. all this can't be true right? i'm rly 160 cm, just that the rest did shrunk right? you never know! when i was in chung cheng, my height kept fluctutating and it was so depressing. well yes, i did blame the machine for being inaccurate, but I KNOW THE MACHINE THAT I TOOK TODAY MUST HAVE BEEN ACCURATE. hahahahaha.

its accurate its accurate its accurate its accurate its accurate its accurate its accurate its accurate its accurate its accurate its accurate its accurate its accurate its accurate its accurate its accurate

IT'S ACCURATE!! hahahahaha

some other events; dr william tan came down to sch and gave us a pretty inspiring talk! it had been his 3rd time visiting our college. and we finally got our annual album today too but i dont look nice in the class photo yucks.

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