Monday, January 12, 2009

So today was the first day of school. didnt kick off a great start for me cos i was late on the first day of school! omg. what a start to the first day of school. i thought my card wont be scanned since he said that he will give us a chance -.-

but overall its pretty fine for the entire day even though we ended at 415. good thing is that i only have to reach sch at 915 on wednesdays!!! great! but i can't be late again!

my new year resolution: not to be late for school anymore. hahahaha.

i know its a bit late but i just want to set resolutions along the way and see if it will be fulfilled haha. hopefully it does!

and today is the release of 'O' level results! i hope my juniors did well! didn't dare to ask them cos i want to respect their privacy(: but i do hope they can get into the college/poly of their choice(:

somehow i was also very afraid for them. for no reason why. i started counting down for them, imagining them in the sch hall, the anxiety and tension filling up the grand audi.. it's rly scary. i wonder how did i survive last year when i was waiting for my results.

so yeap thats all i've got to post for today. and pet society on facebook is pretty fun to play! hahahahaha.

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