Wednesday, December 23, 2009

As promised, I shall blog about trombones chalet!! Yay! Our annual trombones chalet is back, although a bit too late and too short, we still had a lot of fun high-ing tgr and catching up with one another. It's great that we continued to keep in contact with one another, so let's continue this trend of annual trombones chalet, although the cost is pretty steep now haha.

The different types of rubiks cubes Jessica and me brought. 4 out of 5 are Jess's though lol.

We can even build a tower with our rubiks cubes!



We had too much fun at the arcade later on, hence the lack of pictures haha. The 'go go ball' game was exhilarating. I laughed till my stomach ache throwing the balls and the part when we didn't know how to select the game was very funny too!

Our high score at the basketball game! Jacie got a higher score of 409 but it was reset due to some problems in the machine aww.

And we bought this on our way back to chalet!

Haha before we even drink it, we alrdy got high and started pillow-fighting!!

From pillow-fighting, it gradually went to dancing and subsequently taking pics again lol. Then finally, it was drinking time!! Hahaha omg I sound like some alcoholic. We didn't finish all in the end, which was such a waste haha. Some tasted good while some tasted like medicine ewww. And naughty g was not as scary as we thought hahaha.

And what's chalet without mahjong? Haha now I sound like a compulsive gambler.

Learnt a lot about mahjong playing and for the first time I actually 'zha hu'. Well at least, I learnt more about the rules and I know how to count the 'tai' now! :)

Cool effect huh.

Jessica and I managed to sustain through the night afterwards, with the rest in lala land lol.
Jessica was the last one standing in the end cos I gave up around 9+am and slept for about 2 hours before waking up again.

Went to pool and ksuite after that and I didn't get to jump on my bed!! :(:(
Turns out that if you want the bed in the room, you have to pay $40 an hour!
Our room was so small yet each of us alrdy have to pay $20 per person, very ex!
I personally think its not very worth it, we just went for the experience only and concluded at the end that ksuite is just the higher end of kbox.
And I got cheated by 8days!
The magazine mentioned that it only cost $8 per hour but the rates are more than that!

Okay anyhow, here are some pics to share

One thing cool about ksuite is it has the touchscreen monitor for you to select your songs and you can even do your own recording in the room and bluetooth it to your phone!
Very high-tech right!
Oh yeah, another good thing is they had cordless mikes :D

Thats all for trombones chalet, tata!

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