Thursday, December 03, 2009


You guys are finally legal!

It was a double birthday surprise for them haha. Vaish and me planned that when we opened the door of Desmond's house (I was with Des in his hse and Vaish and Sinyi were outside), they will wish each other happy birthday and get a surprise! Hahaha. It was quite tough planning cos I kept leaking the cat out of the bag a few times, such a spoiler haha. Luckily, they always didn't catch what I say so the surprise remains a surprise! :D

But Des is not a fun person to trick haha. He alrdy guessed that we would celebrate for him too when Vaish and me lied to him initially that we are only celebrating for Sinyi, so thick-skinned hor? No wonder the last time when we met up to buy the cake for Sinyi, he kept saying "Oh, I don't like coffee.. I also don't like fruits..." Tsk. Only Sinyi was truly surprised haha.

But the surprise was not entirely over yet! Heehee. Vaish and me alrdy foreseen that by the time Sinyi and Desmond wished each other happy birthday with the flame still burning in the candles, the candles would have melted so we bought RELIGHTABLE CANDLES to trick them! Hahaha.

We thought we could trick them but the candles gave itself away when sparks starting flying out from the candles as we light them. So spoiler can. I don't rmb seeing such sparks too when the trombone section surprised me with that the last time I celebrated my birthday. And then Sinyi said "these candles are those that cannot blow off is it?" Aiyo, our secret exposed! Haha but we continued to cover up, and divert their attention away from the candles.

They eventually knew though, when they realised the flame rekindled after blowing. I must say, the candles are rly lasting lol. The flame continued to flicker even when the candle was at its shortest. At one point, Vaish had to use the knife to out off the flame! Haha. And there was a lot of smoke! Which explains the smoky effect on the pictures haha. Oh yeah, and Sinyi's happy birthday sign caught fire as they attempt to blow off the candles hahahaha.

Blow candles blow

Sinyi suspecting...

The flame won't extinguish! hahaha

Desmond resorts to fanning away the flame hahahaha

Desmond still very enthusiastic in blowing away the candles hehe

Eventually the flames did extinguish, after much effort in blowing haha.
(digress) anyway, I just want to add on that Vaish and me got cheated of our relightable candles!!! We bought at a price of $2.20 per packet, only to realise that west plaza sells it at a cheaper price!! And it's MUCH MUCH CHEAPER CAN?!
they are selling at $1 per packet!!!


We paid more than 120% of the price can?! Hahaha sorry for being such an auntie, but I just can't stand it when I realised I could have saved $1.20 per packet grr.


We avoided eating the first layer for both cakes cos it must have contained too much of saliva! hahaha.

Exchange of gifts.

Their gifts :)
They made a card for each other lol!

Meet up in January!!
In the meantime, Bon voyage and have a safe trip Sinyi and Vaish! :D

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