Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lower brass picnic!!

It was fun overall, only spoiler was the rain which caused us to pack up and run frantically in search for shelter. Hahaha but at least we need not fly our eagle kite anymore since it couldnt stay in the sky for more than 10 seconds. Lol. A kite with a picture of the whale was flying so much higher than our eagle kite and we were like " omg the whale can fly better than an eagle! " HAHAHAHA.

Playing the pig game with section was very fun too!! Love to play that game with them again and compete to see who is the ultimate pig! Lol. And food was not bad too! A couple of bakers in the section, most of the food prepared for the picnic were baked by them! We had cookies, brownies, cornflake marshmallow, biscuits with marshmallow and onigiri!

Attempting to fly the kite

Most of the time our kite is like this....

And we spent most of our time untangling the knots lol.

One of the rarest times you get to see our kite flying hahahah.

Our kite is flyingggg!!!!

So many kites flying in the sky! Yet none of those kites belong to us hahahha. And the sky looks so ominous.



Shall end off with the famous usain bolt pose hahahha

Next post will be on trombones chalet!!

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