Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Omg it's 3+ am and I'm still not asleep!

It has been like this since last week, and it's rly a veryyy bad habit!!

I used to wake up early in the morning and go for a morning jog but now I feel so lazy each time I wake up at like 10+ am!

Oh no, better change this bad habit of mine!!

Anyway, today was picnic + kite flying with trombone section at Marina Barrage!

I was so excited cos that's what I have been wanting to do since the start of hols!!

First time kite-flying and it was quite a failure hahahaha

But I had loads of fun so it's okay!!

Will blog about it in the next post :D

In the meantime, I shall go zzz now!

Goodnight! (or rather good morning?) lol.

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