Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pictures from cousin's wedding!

Hehe it was my first time attending a wedding and also becoming a bridesmaid, there were so many things to learn from and experience!

Shall start off with the morning first. Usually, the tradition is that before the groom gets to meet his bride, there will be some obstacles faced for him and the best men and these are usually planned by the sisters. The guys rly had it tough haha. Some of the obstacles included dancing to the song 'nobody' and plucking their hair off their legs to fill a paper heart hahahaha. Quite gross but the guys were sporting so it was pretty cool!

The next obstacle was the eating part. Haha there was 'suan tian ku la' (sour sweet bitter spicy) cos when a couple is married, they have to go through everything tgr, be it the good times or bad? yeah, so 'suan tian ku la' is describing sth like that.. So for that, the guys had to try all 4 flavour types of food hahahaha. Sour was for them to pop 5 sour sweets at one go. Sweet was some indian delicacy, bitter was to swallow one teaspoon of coffee powder lol and the spicy one...

is this! Crackers with wasabi!
The expression on their faces is a proof of how spicy that wasabi was hahahha

Anyway, after this obstacle, the groom sang a song and wrote a love declaration which was rejected a few times hahaha before he got to receive his bride! so many obstacles to go through huh. haha but i guess it was all worth it to get the bride!

Pictures galore ahead!

Exchange of rings

The sisters

Change of clothes in preparation for tea ceremony!

Ahma looked so happy haha!

A beaming mother receiving her kisses from the bridal couple.

Candid shot- caught eating at the same time!

At night

 I look....very stiff hahahaha


Not a lot of photos for this night, but its okay cos there was a second wedding dinner held in Penang a few days later! Took budget flight for the first time and its not too bad actually. Can consider taking it for short haul flights, save $$! Hahaha.

We were flying above the clouds!

As soon as we touched down, we went to the hotel to check in first since it was quite late alrdy. Went into my room and...

I actually got frightened by this

Hahahaha cos I was pretty excited when I entered the room (it's a suite, very big!) and I wanted to see the scenery outside since our room was at a high level (28th storey) but once I drew the curtain, the first thing I saw was my own reflection and I got a shock of my life! 

 And the best part is, my mum also had the same experience in her room! Lol, great minds think alike? 
But anyway, the pic above is just for pose, to show you all the reflection only lol.

The bathtub has the jacuzzi function too! And I tried for the first time, foam bath! Hehe, it was so pampering, soaking yourself in the bathtub full of foam, like those ppl on TV, playing with the foam and everything haha!

Sea view from my mum's room!

I can see only part of the sea like this from my room but at least I can see sunrise every morning! :)

We went for food hunt the next day and the food there is good, esp the char kway teow! Haha, we ate a lot of that during our trip there! 

Some coffee shops there still use this traditional stove to boil their coffee, cool huh. You won't see this in Singapore man.

Next day was the wedding!

There was a church ceremony in the morning, and being the bridesmaid, I had to walk down the aisle first.

I was so nervous during the walk cos we only had 1 rehearsal and during that rehearsal, I was using my slippers to practice! So scary to walk on heels and with everybody's gaze on you. I was 'ahh'-ing to myself as I walked lol! I still rmb the first time when I practiced the walk down the aisle, I was teased for walking too fast and shaking my hands too much, as if I was marching! Hahaha. And I will also never forget how my cheek muscles tremble as I struggle to smile when practicing the walk down the aisle haha, a truly memorable experience! 

Ballroom dinner at night.
The venue was bigger and grander compared to Singapore's

and there was also a string quartet present to entertain us when we are eating!

I used to think that these multiple layers of cake are real. It's only now that I realised that the top layers are all fake except for the bottom layer. But it looks very real on the whole yea?

Spotlight and flashes 

Pouring the champagne.
It's apple juice actually, guess you can tell from the colour haha. But in Singapore, we had champagne..its either the hotel ran out of champagne or we were under budget HAHAHA.

And this marks the end of the wedding dinner. We had a day's rest after that and used the opportunity to explore Penang further, visiting some tourist attractions etc.

We went to Penang hill and took a few pics there. Scenery shots there are not too bad.
The trail up the penang hill

scenery shots

The clouds are so pretty!

Last pic of the day:  roadside stalls.
 You wont find this in Singapore anymore too!

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