Tuesday, December 22, 2009

HAHAHA I've got no time to blog about trombones chalet yet so I shall blog about today's happenings first!

I was supposed to have a job interview today but the managers were not free to interview us so we actually made a wasted trip. Oh well, at least the next time I can get chan over too then we will have the interview at the same time. And Xueli recited a very funny poem while we were waiting for our interview hahahaha

It goes like this:


Hahahaha omg I was laughing like mad when I heard Xueli recite this!! She said until so pro, as if it was every other normal poem like that!! Very hilarious!!

Anyway, after the interview we had brunch and went to Xueli's friend's house to play! Wah, the house is rly beautiful and the playroom is what everyone would wanna have man! Got pool table, wii and mahjong!! Hahaha, if that was my home, I would just stay in everyday and play, so fun!!

I played wii for the first time and my guitar skills are very lousy! Cannot coordinate!! Very ashamed to be in band for so long, rhythm still so lousy sigh. It got better after a while, which is a comforting fact. Lol. I think I still prefer to play the drums, more exciting! Haha. And my pool skills improve a bit too! Hehe. Learnt a few techniques today such as hitting the balls from behind and letting the balls rebound so that it will drop into the hole haha.

We took a few cool pics too which I rly love!!

The drums!!!!

I look like some rockstar hahahaha

I will blog about the chalet the next time, I promise!

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